Friday, September 6, 2013

The KitKat Bomb

The announcement that the new Android OS will be named KitKat hit our house like a bomb. I know that sounds a little extreme. Remember I have two teenagers, everything about our house is extreme.

There’s a little background to consider here. The Boy wants to work for Microsoft, I think I mentioned that. He does have an aptitude for computers, an unfortunate one. Not in terms of breaking them, that’s The Girl, and she wants to work for Google. Should I warn them? Maybe later. Her ambition is largely to irritate her little brother. It’s right in line with he likes one of the rival collages in the area solely because she wants to go to the other one. When they clash in the annual football game that divides the state by where you went to college, it’s like a war zone over the dinner table.

Anyway, The Boy’s aptitude for computers led me to start him on various smartphones at a young age. (I have a bit of a phone fetish. There it is, do what you will with that.) I made him carry the original Palm OS, Blackberry, WebOS (New Palm that never really caught on), Windows 5, 6, & 7, iOS, and, of course, Android. He’s had several of the Android software versions simply because I have a collection of devices for them to be on. He was working toward a Windows 8 phone, to match his Windows 8 PC, and get everything all in line to sync with his Xbox and . . .

Then the KitKat announcement came and several things happened.

I started craving a KitKat, which I hadn’t thought of in . . . awhile. The Girl was dancing and wanting a physical version of the mascot (she has a small collection of Android mascots and the new one is so cute!), and The Boy’s fingers started twitching as he eyed his phone, wondered if it would upgrade to KitKat, and decided maybe he’d put off Windows 8. Just for a little bit.

Well played, Google. Well played.


The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.

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