Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thanks & Who thought of 'Fall Break'?

It’s been a great week so far. The book promo for Be Careful What You Wish For went better than I hoped, always a pleasant surprise and I thank you all for that. And for the nice reviews. Indie authors tend to love reviews. I got a lot of editing done so I can send off a couple of books to a real editor and lock away my inner editor when November and NaNoWriMo hits. That’s a subject unto itself. And now the kids are out of school for the rest of the week for ‘Fall Break.’ This is clearly something the teachers dreamt up because I can’t imagine a parent asked for it.

What Fall Break is going to mean in our household: Both kids will sleep a lot. I would say it’s because that’s what teenagers do, and in The Girl’s case it’s true. With The Boy, he’s always liked to stay up late and sleep all day. I’m trying to figure out how this is going to translate into any career other than night security.

After they get up, The Girl will read, maybe help around the house. She might help Hubby with building a trellis for our blackberry bushes that are threatening to become the source of a horror novel. I’m thinking The Creeping. No? Come on, thorns, tentacle-like creepers edging their way all through the garden area along the side of the house. It’s dangerous to try to harvest rhubarb now. The blackberry bushes, that aren’t planted that close, will reach out and grab you. Anyway, so they get a trellis-arch to get those creepers off the ground and make it easier to get to the berries. We’ll plant raspberry bushes on the other side so they can duke it out overhead. Should be fun. For the birds. Maybe it’ll keep them away from the blueberry bushes.

The Boy, when he finally gets up, after I’ve woken him up several times because at a certain point it’s ridiculous, will play Xbox or want to watch zombie movies. The Girl doesn’t care for zombies in general, they scare her. Imagine that. I think that’s part of the reason we have the entire Resident Evil collection and The Boy has it memorized. Also why he’s a zombie every year for Halloween.

My children love each other.

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