Friday, February 13, 2015

A Valentine Nightmare In The Making

Ah, Valentine’s Day. And that quirky twist when it follows Friday the 13th – awesome. How can you not love that? If you don’t, do you have teenagers?

I mentioned on various social networking sites that I was mildly concerned about Valentine’s Day this year. The Girl is single this year, but has plans to go out and play with friends. (Had plans, Friday the 13th struck and she’s now a bit under the weather. Poor baby. Poor whiny baby.) The Boy also had (past tense) plans to hang out with friends (online) and play video games. Note: he’s not single. Well, he is, of course, but his new girlfriend doesn’t view the world the same way he does no matter how understanding she is. Hubby and I are simply astounded at how understanding this little freshman girl is. Really. I mean I wrote an understanding girlfriend, but she had dark ulterior motives and I’m sort of freaking a little here, except my son is not the character that teenage vixen had her sights on. Thank God for small miracles.

Anyway, that The Boy was planning on ignoring his new girlfriend for their first romantic opportunity had me a tiny bit concerned. First, where did I go wrong? Second, what was his scorned girlfriend going to do to show her displeasure. Was I lucky enough that it would simply be a breakup? Not likely. How would The Boy react? Would The Boy react? Had I unknowingly raised a sociopath? No, just an idiot.

As I planned a subtle talk with my youngest child to spare him from who knew what later drama, previously mentioned would-be creator of later drama took matters into her own hands. Somehow suspecting that The Boy was clueless, probably because he hadn’t initiated a damn thing so far in their relationship except for a couple walks to Dunkin Donuts or Menchie’s with her simply because A) he wanted to go B) he didn’t want to go alone C) no one else was available, and D) she was more or less on the way. Sigh, smart girl. Anyway, she showed up on our doorstep, on a skateboard, and asked if he’d take her the Valentine’s Dance. Point blank. There’s no wiggle room there. No more shrugs, we’ll see, later, nothing evasive – an answer was required and his parents were behind him, but backing her. And he knew it. And it’s short notice so he doesn’t have time to freak out. It’s make a decision, take time to shower, dress, pick her up, and go. Clever.

So The Boy voluntarily went to a dance. For just a short bit, long enough to make an appearance, quick run around the room so she could show off her tall, skinny boyfriend who took the time to put on a suit jacket with his jeans – not the entire suit, just the jacket but close enough. Then they ditched and went to a movie. No clue what they’re seeing. Hubby is hanging out playing chauffeur. Dinner and/or dessert may or may not happen after. No one tells me anything.

Meanwhile The Girl and I are watching TV and making Valentines. This is a big holiday with wide appeal so surely there’s a niche for our Valentines. What do you think?

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