Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day is coming, and that means another family event. Shoot me. Please? Not for Hubby and my kids, we've got that covered. Let me rephrase: I’ve got that covered. And no, there will be no tie nor macaroni art involved either. No offense for those who like that.

No, there was to be a family barbeque for everyone at the in-law’s place on Sunday. Yay! Wait! Everyone? Even the dreaded sisters-in law? Yes. Well, to get the cousins for The Girl and The Boy, I must deal with the sisters-in-law. If I must. Okay, we’re set.

No. The sisters-in-law planned everything then changed it. They can’t do it Sunday, so it has to be Saturday. We can’t do it Saturday, The Girl has a birthday party she’s planned to attend since school ended and The Boy has . . . something, I can’t recall what. Some mischief I’ve blocked for sanity reasons I’m sure. Both are in the afternoon. My morning and early afternoon is spoken for and can’t be moved.

They huffed. It reminded me of the wolf and the three little pigs and I very nearly told them so. I had a brief daydream about rewriting the story of the three little pigs as a young adult novel before my true calling as an erotic romance writer took over and it got very odd. I’ll refrain from going further on that. And I won’t write it. Promise.

Father’s Day is going to be a great deal more peaceful now. Father-in-law will spend Saturday with his daughters and some grandchildren and Sunday with us. Oddly, The Boy and The Girl are absolutely perfect for their grandparents. All the terror The Boy reins down on us at home, is somehow hidden away and he’s unrecognizable if the in-laws are around. I want to move in with them. He’s even nice to his sister. She, of course, waits until Grandma and Grandpa aren’t looking and gets even for all the hell he puts her through in the past week. Hubby gets to watch. Happy Father's Day. 

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